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As a Parish Councillor, you could help to look after and improve, many of the facilities in our parish. To find out more follow the links:

How to become a Parish Councillor?

  1. You need nomination form from the Parish Clerk. See contact details below.
  2. You will need a Proposer and a Seconder. The form requires their Elector Number, the Parish Clerk can provide this information.
  3. Ensure you meet the criteria identified in the section below, ‘Who can apply?’
  4. Sign and date the form in the presence of a declared witness.
  5. The completed forms need to be received by the Parish Clerk on the Wednesday 29th March 2023.
    Post or email not allowed.

What happens next?

The Forest of Dean Council will notify candidates in writing, via the post; this is the formal Notice of Validity.

The Statement of Persons Nominated is published on the principal authority website following the Close of Nominations.

If there are more candidates than seats, an election will be held. If not, all candidates take office 4 days after 4 May 2023 (excluding the bank holiday). Existing Councillors go out of office on 9 May 2023 and newly elected Councillors take office on this day. New Councillors must sign the acceptance of office before they can officiate.

Who can apply? Am I eligible to be a Parish Councillor?

You have to be:

  • a British subject, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union
  • over 18 years of age

and additionally you have to be one of the following

  • an elector for the Bromsberrow Parish Council area for which you want to stand
  • have during the whole of the 12 months occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the council area or within 3 miles of it for the whole period
  • have during that same period had your principal or only place of work in the council area or within 3 miles of it for the whole period.

You cannot stand for election if you

  • are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order.
  • have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.
  • you work for the council you want to become a councillor for (but you can work for other local authorities, including the principal authorities that represent the same area).

You don’t have to be connected to a political party.

If you do become a parish councillor you will have to sign up to the Code of Conduct.

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